Prerequisites for the installation of mitoBench

Operating System Support

mitoBench has been implemented as a platform-independent tool and can thus be installed on Linux, Windows and MacOS. A Java 8+ platform has to be installed on the workstation used for running the tool.


It has been successfully tested on different flavors of Linux based operating systems, including ArchLinux and Ubuntu 17.04.


The application works out of the box on macOS X 10.12 Sierra. An up to date Java Runtime Environment (>8) is required to run the application.


The application can be run on Windows 10. Solely the log file cannot be saved at the end for now.

Software Requirements for mitoBench

Install a suitable Java 8 runtime environment. We tested both Oracle Java 8 SE and OpenJRE 8 on Linux. The latter requires to install JavaFX in addition, whether the Oracle JRE already ships with the required JavaFX libraries.